効率的なエネルギー貯蔵システムや革新的な物質生産プロセスの開発は、持続可能な社会の達成に向けて、化学者の貢献が望まれる大きな課題です。私たちは、複数の金属原子が集まって働く化合物(クラスター)を触媒や機能性マテリアルとして用いて、これらの問題にアプローチしようと考えています。大木研究室では特に、クラスターを原子レベルで制御して合成する新しい方法を生み出し、得られたクラスターを、CO2 やN2 の還元といった高難度反応に応用すべく、研究を進めています。
Efficient energy storage systems and innovative material production processes are significant challenges requiring chemists' contributions toward achieving a sustainable society. To address these issues, we consider using compounds (clusters) where multiple metal atoms work cooperatively as catalysts or functional materials. In the Ohki laboratory, we have developed new methods to synthesize and control clusters at atomic precision, and we are researching to apply these clusters to difficult chemical conversions such as CO2 and N2 reduction.
クラスターとは? / What Is "Cluster"?
The number of atoms that make up a molecule can be described in several manners. For example, when counting metal atoms, we can use numbers like 1, 2, and so on for a few atoms, but when the count increases, it becomes complicated to classify them based on the number. Instead, we refer to them as clusters or as "nano" particles when they get even larger. In this sense, the term "cluster" means a group of molecules that falls between individual atoms and "nano" particles, as illustrated left.
(1) 酵素の謎に迫る「ものづくり」と自然界を超えるエネルギー変換機能の開発 /
Unraveling Mystery of Enzymes & Development of Energy Conversion Functions Beyond Natural World
自然界では、様々な金属を用いたクラスターが、電子伝達や酵素反応などの重要な生体機能を担っています。特に、窒素分子 (N2) を還元してアンモニア (NH3) を作る、あるいは水 (H2O) を酸化して酸素 (O2) を作る、といった難しい反応を効率よく進めるには、複数の金属が協同的に働くクラスターが不可欠です。しかしながら、これらの反応を担うクラスターの具体的な機能メカニズムはまだ解明されていません。私たちは、この課題に取り組み、クラスターの機能メカニズムを明らかにするために、酵素の研究に取り組んでいます。例えば、酵素ニトロゲナーゼは、鉄と硫黄からなる複雑なクラスターを使ってN2 を還元します。私たちは、独自の手法でモデルとなるクラスターを化学合成し、自然界のクラスターの機能メカニズムを科学的に解明することを目指しています。また、類似の鉄-硫黄クラスターを使って、二酸化炭素 (CO2) や一酸化炭素 (CO) を燃料となる炭化水素類へ直接変換できる可能性も見出しました。この技術の発展により、CO2 からガソリンを直接生み出す燃料再生サイクルが実現することを期待しています。
In nature, various clusters composed of different metals play crucial roles in critical biological functions such as electron transfer and enzymatic reactions. Specifically, when it comes to efficiently carrying out challenging reactions like reducing nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3) or oxidizing water (H2O) to produce oxygen (O2), clusters that involve multiple metals working together are indispensable. However, we still need a clear answer to why and how clusters function. We aim to create these key clusters that hold the answers to such reactions and unravel the mysteries of enzymes. Our goal is to explore functionalities beyond enzymes. For example, the enzyme nitrogenase utilizes a complex cluster consisting of iron and sulfur to reduce N2. Through our unique methods, we are synthesizing model clusters and demonstrating, through experimental chemistry, that nature doesn't rely on magical tricks but operates through mechanisms that can be explained using the language of chemistry. We have also discovered that similar iron-sulfur clusters can directly convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) into hydrocarbons, which can serve as fuels. We expect that advancing this technology may create a fuel regeneration cycle that directly produces gasoline from CO2.
Selected Publications: Nature 2022, 607, 86-90. Nature Commun. 2018, 9, 3200.
Nature Catal. 2018, 1, 444. ACIE 2016, 55, 15633.
(2) 鉄やコバルトを自在に組み上げる「ものづくり」と触媒応用 /
Atomically Precise Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Fe and Co Clusters
金属原子を集積して得られる金属クラスターは、金属塊や数nm 以上のナノ粒子、あるいは金属1 つ、2 つ程度の古典的な錯体分子とも異なり、構造・組成・原子配列のわずかな違いに応じて性質を大きく変化させます。現在知られる金属クラスターは、その金属元素が、安定で反応性の低い金,銀,銅にほぼ限られていますが、未知なる機能を目指すには、周期表に大きく残された未開拓領域にも目を向ける必要があります。私たちは鉄やコバルトを手始めに、金属原子をコントロールして自在に組み上げる反応を開発しています。
Metal clusters obtained by aggregating metal atoms exhibit significantly different properties compared to bulk metals, nanoparticles with a few nanometers or larger sizes, and complexes consisting of only one or two metal atoms. Slight structure, composition, and atomic arrangement modifications can significantly alter these properties. Known metal clusters are predominantly limited to stable and low-reactivity metals such as gold, silver, and copper. However, to pursue unknown functionalities, exploring the uncharted territory in the periodic table is necessary. We are developing reactions that allow precise control over metal atoms, mainly with iron and cobalt, to assemble them into desired structures.
Among the metal clusters obtained through "materials synthesis," iron clusters, for example, can be regarded as compounds that combine the characteristics of enzymes responsible for reducing N2 and the active species of industrial catalysts. We have achieved a catalytic reduction of N2 through these clusters. Furthermore, our "materials synthesis" approach can lead various metals, beyond iron and cobalt, to form clusters of diverse sizes and structures. This approach could be a universal method for exploring new reactivity and discovering new properties.
Selected Publications: JACS 2025, 147, in press. JACS 2017, 139, 5596-5606.
ACIE 2016, 55, 15821-15825.